Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Get Motivated for Some ‘Clutter Management’!

Right....so for all you sun lovers (or lizards, as I like to refer to myself), we have made it through winter and the sun has popped out for us again! And there’s no better time of year to do some ruthless spring cleaning then NOW! So if you’re a hoarder, or the absolute opposite (like me), and you know you’ve still managed to accumulate more goodies (or baddies) over winter, it’s time to get motivated for clutter management!

So you know that drawer? That cupboard? That spot under the bed? Your wardrobe (cringe)? All those convenient places that are so easy to throw things in when you don’t have time to think about it further? Well, make some time this weekend (it’s an extra long one here, so even better!) to tidy these up. Even if you knock off one of them, you’ll feel so much better and it will get you on a role for doing the next ones!

My golden rule...if it hasn’t been used in over a year, you’re not going to use it again!! So throw it out, or better still, SELL IT! There’s some great sites – Ebay & Gumtree - but my fav are the Facebook Buy, Swap & Sell pages. You can usually find at least a couple in your area. Just take a happy snap on your Smartphone, load it straight up to the FB page with a description, realistic price (remember you want to get rid of it! Any cash is a bonus!), and your location for pickup (just your town name is enough) and away you go!! Often by the time I have listed my item on all four pages in our area, it has already sold on the first one! Love a quick sale! And we have a win-win situation, you’ve got rid of your unwanted clutter, have some cash in your hot little hand, and the buyer will have found just what they were looking for!

Now, as for the other items...everything that actually has a proper home in another area of your house....cooking item? Put it in the kitchen! Cleaning item? Straight to the laundry! Spare pillow? Into the linen closet....I can see you’re getting this! Comfy 5yr old trackies (seriously, how many do you need)....Take them, and anything else in good nick, to your local charity! Another win-win – you’ve finished cleaning up and you’ve also helped someone in need!

So now you’ve successfully de-cluttered, you’ve got a bit of unexpected cash burning a hole in your pocket AND you’re feeling AWESOME about yourself to boot.... it’s time for some redecorating! Stay tuned for my next blog, where you can read about my hot tips to jazz up your home for the Summer season!